Saturday, August 22, 2009---2:10 AM

Our new store in Fashion Village Narkissos,Styles of edo

Yeah thing happened again !!!
We made one more our new store in Fashion Village Narkissos,Styles of edo,Shopping mall.
Can you believe it?!
Actually we couldn't believe it! lol
Our new store is like this :)
I made new textures for this store.
There's a texture which gives you a little chuckle. Maybe :)
*+Crie Style+* in Fashion Village Narkissos,Styles of edo,Shopping mall
Wherever we have our store, our taste and our rhythm don't change.
=Guild of Crie Eyewear Store= side is like this.
=Guild of Crie= side
::le Reve du Crie Fashion:: side is like this.
::le Reve du Crie:: side
I believe that you know this huge beautiful store!
Yes! This is the Styles of edo,Main shop in Tyche.
Styles of edo,Main shop
In the main store there's a board with a lot of cool stores.
Store Board
Our store is on the board, too!
*+Crie Style+* Selected Edition
These posters are vendors.
Our item is *+Crie Style+* Selected Edition.
The set contains =GC Vogue(Mozart)= and ::RC::ADONIS<citrine>.

Even if Mr.edo saw this entry, please do not drive us from there :') lol

*+Crie Style+* in Fashion Village Narkissos,Styles of edo,Shopping mall

Styles of edo,Main shop


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